Perfect at-home keg.
This has been a party trick for easily serving fresh craft brew when hosting at home. No mess, and this beer tap pours a professional pint every time. Set up is simple: screw on airflow cap, gently tip growler into the body of the dispenser (some liquid will pour into the reservoir), and use the handle to serve. Clean up is equally simple by running a growler of warm water through. The kit includes a glass growler, which is helpful, and there are so many places where you can get a growler filled now. Saves money to use growlers, saves the landfill to use growlers, and using this growler tap is like going out, but for less money. What I dont know yet, is how the beer keeps in the growler after assembly because there hasnt been any left to test carbonation and such the next day. The airflow cap is more secure than a regular growler cap where Ive seen beer go flat easily overnight in the fridge, so im hopeful that its mostly about being able to fit the assembly in the fridge. This has been a great patio addition for spring; have already had BBQs, beer tastings with friends, and we cannot wait for football season!