Happy National Cat Day!
As much as we love the silly part of a National Cat Day, the real reason we celebrate is to help raise awareness of all the sweet kitties who still need homes. Your local shelter has lots of adorable cats and if you and your home could use a cuddly friend (or an aloof but beautiful acquaintance), please consider adopting a cat.
Take it from these Picnic Time-ers:

Name: Hooper and Jonesy
Age: Unknown (potentially immortal?)
What’s the story?: Brought into the family 1 year ago these brothers are thick as thieves.
These spicy nuggets enjoy their cuddles with everyone and playing fetch.

Name: Barry Allan Scott
Age: Turning 7 in December and is still adjusting to not being the baby anymore.
What’s the story?: He enjoys carrying his Llama plush around, getting some sun, and barking at birds.
Name: Benjamin Mudwalls
Age: 14 years old
What’s the story?: In her spare time, she loves lounging in the sink, snatching any unattended snacks from the table, and cuddling up for naps with her loved ones.
Name: Loki
Age: 5
What’s the story?: Going at 20 pounds, he spends his time lounging and eating.
Name: Maggie
Age: 7 years old
What’s the story?: She’s a complete drama queen who loves to judge anyone and everyone. That being said, she can be very cuddly and is always right by my side when I'm home.
Name: Bella
Age: 12 years old
What’s the story?: She was adopted through a co-worker. She loves treats and chillin in the blankets.
Name: Waffles
Age: 8 months
What’s the story?: Waffles is a female orange tabby. Apparently only 25% of orange kitties are female. She has a spicy attitude and loves to jump on or "hit" her big sister Bella.
Name: Mee Mee
Age: 5 years old
What’s the story?: Mee Mee's kryptonite is definitely used ankle socks. When she finds them on the floor, she sneaks up to them, just waiting to pounce! She truly believes these are out to eat her. They might as well be live snakes. Mee Mee is very playful and can jump over 7 feet vertically, chasing a laser light up our hallway wall. Her human is my 13-year-old daughter Victoria. She moans when she leaves, it's sad.
Name: Lee Lee
Age: 5 years old
What’s the story?: Lee Lee (aka, The Boss) is the most loveable cat. She runs the roost, and god forbid is a door ever closed forbidding her to enter. She scratches at the door and meows non-stop until her demands are met. She escapes through the front door screen door by tearing through it with a straight path to the bushes (where we cannot get her) and begins to laugh at us....seriously! However, my secret extraction weapon is the Temptations Cat Treats. One shake, and the march home happens immediately. She loves food, obviously, and really loves people. She growls when the doorbell rings because a stranger is about to enter. It's hilarious. She sleeps in a bed under the covers like a person. Her human is my 11-year-old daughter.
And this kitty just had to speak for herself:
Hi! I'm Chloe and I've been with my momma since I was 4 weeks old. She loves me so much and I love her so much that I show her by bringing her gifts. She loves when I bring her flowers from our garden but she doesn't seem to like the lizards or birds very much. I love cuddles and I LOVE treats.